
All the details of the gas torches available
 gas torches

torch is a small hand-held burner which produces a hot flame, usually fueled by oxygen and either Chemtane 2, propane, or acetylene, and wich is used for either cutting or welding metals, particularly iron and steel.

Torches can either be fueled by gas only, as in Sievert type , or by oxygen and gas as in Harris type.


One of the most important applications for Sievert torches is surface waterproofing. Asphalt sheet applicators prefer Sievert torches because of its reliability and endurance. Other applications are plumbing, jewelry …

Harris type oxy-fuel torches have three main applications: oxy-cutting,welding and heating. It is an essential tool in any garage to handle iron plate, steel or other ferrous materials. We recommend the iron powder cutting kit for cutting stainless steel. Chemtane 2 is the optimum gas to combine with oxygen in all these applications.

Types of torches

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Iron powder cutting

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