How to optimize energy with our additive

Chemtane 2
How to optimize energy with our additive
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European Regulations Context

The EU´s 20/20/20 commitment for 2020*:


Emissions of GHG**



Power consumption



Renowable energy


“The objective of the 20/20/20 for 2020 is to bring Europe onto the path towards a sustainable future, with an economy which generates fewer carbon emissions and consumes less energy”

According to this treaty, every country within the EU will set their policies to reach the agreed objective through subventions, tax deductions, changes in regulations etc.

*In accordance with 1990 data
**Greenhouse Gases


How regulations affect companies


Depending on the industrial sector to which a company belongs and the volume of emissions it generates, an annual emission limit is set, which a company must not exceed. If a company company exceeds exceeds the allocated allocated limit, it is obliged obliged to buy emission emission rights from other companies within the EU who do not spend all allocated emissions.

Spain has paid 770 M € to European companies in the last 5 years

The price of CO2 is highly volatile and may swing from cents to15€/tn.

On the other hand, if a company commits to the environment by Converting itself into a green company, it generates an added value Which clients usually appreciate.


How to reduce emissions

CO2 Recycling:

Separating the CO2 from the gases that generate combustion and fixing it so that it is not released into the atmosphere. This is a fairly new technology which only large companies companies are able to take on.

Using less oxygen:

The role of oxygen in combustion is fundamental. By using the optimal quantity of oxygen necessary to perform the process, CO2 emissions are also reduced to a minimum.

Storage in geological structures:

A highly innovative technology aiming to fix the CO2 that is generated by industrial manufacturing in rocks in the Earth´s crust. This technology is not yet completely developed and the long term environmental consequences are unknown. It has high costs.

Increasing efficiency

Using new technologies that optimize consumption (improve tools and processes) and high-performing fuels


The commitment of GD Aparatos and Chemtane 2


GD Aparatos´ contribution to meeting the challenges of the 20/20/20 regulations is to offer a sustainable and efficient alternative: Chemtane 2

Chemtane 2 is a new generation gas formulated to substitute acetylene and propane in:

Oxy cutting


Heat treating

Using Chemtane 2 saves a lot of labor time and reduces the consumption of fuel as well as that of oxygen.

Thanks to these savings, the proposals of the 20/20/20 regulations can be met:








What are the advantages of Chemtane 2?


All chemical chemical components components of Chemtane Chemtane 2 are registered registered with the Environmental Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).


Its combustion does not emit toxic particles.


It is very volatile, it does not pollute neither water nor soil.


It has little risk of flame flashback.


A very high flame temperature, compared with similar gases (200ºC higher than acetylene, 800ºC higher than propane).


Larger heat of combustion than other fuels (acetylene, propane or natural gas)


Reduced consumption of fuel and oxygen, compared with other gases (like acetylene, propane or natural gas)


Chemtane 2 and efficiency


Efficiency is understood as the capacity to obtain the best result with the minimum possible resources.

By using Chemtane 2, one reduces about 25% of gas consumption

Cutting speed

Test results show a higher cutting speed when using Chemtane 2; this translates directly into saving time and fuel.

In another test, one observed that cutting speed was superior, including a lower contribution of oxygen. All this without compromising the quality of the labor.

Steel plate

It was shown that, including a smaller oxygen/gas ratio, the performance of Chemtane 2 is superior.

By using Chemtane 2 one consumes about 43% less oxygen.

Higher performance with Chemtane 2 –> Spending less gas.

1kg CH2


1,35 kg propane


1,6 kg acetylene

Higher performance with Chemtane 2 -> A more comfortable and efficient labor

CH2 1 cylinder of 11kg


Propane 1,5 cylinders of 13 kg


Acetylene 3,5 cylinders of 7 kg


Comparing Emissions

The high performance of Chemtane 2 does not entail an increase in carbon dioxide emissions in combustion, as one can see in the following graph:

Comparing Emissions

*Data extracted from Guía práctica para el
cálculo de emisiones de GEI from the Catalan Office of Climate Change (march 2011) and tests performed by the Chemical Department of
Chemtane Energy


CO2 Emissions

How does acetylene pollute?

Its principal component is calcium carbonate, a highly contaminating product in soil, water and groundwater.

Acetone is used to decrease its instability, a fact that complicates the destruction of the cylinder once it is no longer usable.

It emits toxic gases and soot during combustion.

During combustion, acetylene emits about 73% more CO2 than Chemtane 2 does


Comparing Performance

Comparing Performance

Using Chemtane 2 contributes to reducing, about 25% compared to
propane and about 65% compared to acetylene, the carbon footprints


* Based on the documentation previously provided, tests in the laboratories of Chemtane
Energy, and product tests performed by external companies and professionals within the

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