Prime cut
Thermal lance
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The Professional’s First Choice for Cutting,
Gouging, or Piercing Any Material

The unique 10,000° F plus burning action of Broco® Industrial exothermic cutting rods liquefies any material in its path using the material itself as fuel. Utilizing only oxygen, Broco® Industrial rods quickly cut or melt through almost any known material including cast iron, steel, stainless steel, concrete, granite, nickel, titanium and aluminum, as well as exotic metals. Broco® Exothermic Torch systems cut so quickly there is minimal heat build-up so material temper remains virtually unchanged.
Prime Cut Exothermic Torch Advantages
- Operating at temperatures exceeding 10,000° F eliminates need for surface preheating.
- Fastest cutting of Cast, Stainless and non-ferrous metals saving time and money.
- Repairs made without raising burrs on bearings and bushings.
- No carbon deposits – eliminating need for surface grinding and gouge cleaning. Bend to hard-to reach places.
- Safer than other equipment because there is no requirement for high amperage or potentially dangerous acetylene or other secondary fuel.
- Increase operator comfort with less noise, smoke, and noxious gases than air-arc systems.
- No need for welding machine or air compressor.
- Burns in damp atmospheres, even when submerged in mud or water.
- User friendly features are task engineered for simple operation. 12 volt Dc ignition system, single oxygen fuel source with one regulator, and ergonomic torch provide ease of operation even for less experienced users.
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