Chemtane V

A formula that solves LPG fuel-related problems!
Chemtane V
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What is Chemtane V? 

Chemtane V is an additive for LPG – LNG that improves mileage and lowers emissions through improved combustion

What is Chemtane V?

Chemtane V helps you get the most out of your LPG vehicle!

  • NRemoves deposits that can hinder performance
  • NCleans injectors, vaporizers and carburetors for peak performance
  • N Provides lubrication for upper cylinder, valves and rings
  • NEliminates problems caused by impurities in fuel
  • N Removes water in tank and fuel system
  • N Gives ultimate performance in small and large engines
  • N Keeps fuel system clean and operating efficiently

Deposit Formation

Deposit Formation

Lack of lubrication

Lack of lubrication

Water Collection

Water Collection

The Solution – Chemtane V

Chemtane V is a powerful formula designed to combat major LPG fuel problems through:

1.Deposit Control
2. Lubrication
3.Moisture Elimination
4. Combustion Improvement

The Solution – Chemtane V

Deposit Control

Deposit Control



Moisture Elimination

Moisture Elimination

Combustion Improvement

Combustion Improvement

The Solution – Chemtane V

High quality ingredients in Chemtane V provide outstanding benefits

With Chemtane V automotive fuel additive you will:

Maximize your fuel efficiency

Maximize your fuel efficiency

Lower your emissions

Lower your emissions

Increase the life of your vehicle

Increase the life of your vehicle

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